What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

Laura and Shannon were absolute angels sent to me!

I would like to give a special thanks to SERVPRO of Patchogue for their wonderful job!  Laura and her crew were very professional, courteous and knowledgeable.

I had a flood that devastated three floors in my home and State Farm Insurance Company recommended SERVPRO of Patchogue to pack and store my furniture in their climate controlled warehouse while my floors were refinished. My belongings were handled with care and everything came back in perfect condition!  Excellent job!

Not only did Laura coordinate and orchestrate the entire operation to ensure that everything went smoothly from beginning to end, she was on site and hands on treating our items as if they were her own.

Thank you for such exemplary customer service!

Allstate Insurance: Jeffrey Freund November 12, 2015 ·

Our concierge members SERVPRO of Patchogue, 631-924-1801, are our business of the week! Be sure to give a call in regards to all damage and restoration services!